Oregon Community Rights Network
Scope: The Community Doesn’t Have the Legal Right to Say NO!
Description of Work:
The existing structure of law ensures that people are blocked from advancing their rights, governing their own communities and acting as stewards of the environment, while protecting corporate “rights” and interests over those of communities and nature.
Community Rights work is a paradigm shift. It moves away from unsustainable practices that harm communities by moving towards local self-government.

Lane County Community Rights
Community Rights Lane County (CRLC) is an organization formed to protect our local right to make decisions affecting our lives right here in Lane County.

Collecting signatures to Protect the Watershed. Community ACTION!

Community Rights Douglas County mission is to support and empower communities to secure local self-determination and self-governance right, superior to corporate power, in order to protect fundamental rights, quality of life, the
natural environment, public health and safety.
Concerned about Winchester Dam.
Remove the Dam…

North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection (NCCWP) is a citizens group that was founded in 2012 in response to the clearcutting and aerial spraying of the Jetty Creek watershed that provides drinking water for the City of Rockaway Beach, Oregon

Take A Stand!
In 2017 Lincoln County Community Rights was successful in passing a ban on aerial spraying.
Devoted to taking on the Oregon Forestry Practices Act.
Spraying herbicides spreads chemicals in the air and across the land.

Boundary Forest Watershed Stewardship Society
Based in Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada, we are a non-profit, grassroots, citizen’s society advocating for culturally, ecologically, and economically sustainable forestry practices in the forest and watershed of the Boundary Area in the southern interior of BC